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Mithya (2022) HDRip Season 1

 Mithya (2022) HDRip Season 1

Mithya (2022) HDRip Season 1

Mithya (2022) HDRip Season 1 [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi] Watch Online Free

Directed by: Rohan Sippy

Written by: Anvita Dutt, Althea Kaushal, Purva Naresh

Starring by: Huma Qureshi, Asif Reja Khan, K.C. Shankar, Rajit Kapoor

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Country: India

Language: Telugu

Hindi literature professor in a Darjeeling college, Juhi Adhikary accuses her student Rhea Rajguru of plagiarism. While Rhea pleads that she is innocent, this sets off a series of incidents with Juhi and Rhea getting into each other’s crosshairs. Matters soon spiral out of control, triggering an adverse psychological combat between them that leads to a shocking revelation. 

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